Daily Token Drops Begin: Introducing Our New Wound Tokens!

Daily Token Drops Begin: Introducing Our New Wound Tokens!

I know it’s not Friday, but I’ve decided to post every day with a new token release. After endless weeks of designing, reworking, doubting the look—and honestly, doubting myself—I’ve finally reached a place where I’m excited to share these with you. Whether people laugh, critique, or (what I hope for) admire them, I’ve found joy in the process. I love creating new things and offering fresh, affordable, and unique pieces to the gaming community.

Everything I design is meant to complement what you already have or maybe even inspire someone new to join the tabletop or RPG world.

On top of all this, I’ve been working on drop terrain designs and even more terrain projects. Plus, there’s a BIG announcement that’s been in the works for months—more on that soon.

Yesterday, I shared our N5 Tokens, including our version of the Army Tokens and Order Tokens on Facebook, Instagram, and in some gaming groups. We're sticking with our signature COG design, which you’ll see in today’s release: our brand-new Wound Tokens!

I’m adding them to the website today under the Infinity > Tokens section. These are 25mm acrylic tokens, and soon I’ll be offering:

15mm acrylic options

Affordable epoxy button versions

Image sheets (sublimated onto clear permanent adhesive) that you can cut out and apply to our blank packs, blank epoxy button packs, or anything else you like.

Stay tuned for more token releases daily, and as always—
Cheers and happy gaming,


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